Richard H. Cutting
112 years old
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appearing in
The Fastest Gun Alive
The Horse Soldiers
Law and Order
The Story of Mankind
The Gallant Hours
Black Tuesday
Drum Beat
South Pacific
The Man from the Alamo
Black Widow
The Killer Is Loose
Creature with the Atom Brain
Shield for Murder
It Came from Outer Space
The Last of the Fast Guns
Outside the Law
The Eddy Duchin Story
The Private War of Major Benson
Seminole Uprising
Ride a Crooked Trail
War Paint
The Night Runner
You Can't Run Away from It
The Law vs. Billy the Kid
Teenage Doll
The Gun That Won the West
Monster on the Campus
The Raiders
Magnificent Obsession
The Girl in Black Stockings
Gunfighters of Abilene
The Female Animal
The Law and Jake Wade
Showdown at Abilene
Taza, Son of Cochise
The Monolith Monsters
The World Was His Jury
The Great Jesse James Raid
Rock All Night
Attack of the Crab Monsters
Chicago Syndicate
War Drums
Behind the Scenes with Fess Parker
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