Gregori Chmara
146 years old
Gregori Mikhailovich Chmara was a Russian, German, and French actor of Ukrainian descent.
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appearing in
Mannequins of Paris
Alert Nights
Mademoiselle Has Fun
Mission in Tangier
Les Fanatiques
Elena and Her Men
Special Mission
Arsène Lupin vs. Arsène Lupin
A Friend Will Come Tonight
Dirty Hands
Last Hour, Special Edition
The Tsar's Diamond
Peter Voss, Thief of Millions
The Joyless Street
The Merry Pilgrims
The Ragpickers of Emmaus
The Black Hussar
The Man Who Committed the Murder
Hedda Gabler
Strafsache van Geldern
Paris Does Not Exist
The Good Life
Jo la Romance
The Schlemihl
Gypsy Law
My Pal the Gypsy
Les Mémoires de la vache Yolande
Dornenweg einer Fürstin
Queen Of The Screen
I.N.R.I. – A Film of Humanity
A Strong Man
Glory to the Strong... Death to the Weak...
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