Jay R. Smith
109 years old
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Added Attractions: The Hollywood Shorts Story
Blood and Thunder
Seeing the World
The Glorious Fourth
Baby Brother
Tired Business Men
Thundering Fleas
Moan & Groan, Inc.
Olympic Games
Bring Home the Turkey
War Feathers
Rainy Days
The Fourth Alarm
Better Movies
Shivering Spooks
Ten Years Old
Yale vs. Harvard
Fair and Muddy
Crazy House
Growing Pains
Good Cheer
Playin' Hookey
Dog Heaven
Chicken Feed
The Old Wallop
Spook Spoofing
Heebee Jeebees
Barnum & Ringling, Inc.
Election Day
Monkey Business
The Smile Wins
Edison, Marconi & Co.
Love My Dog
Telling Whoppers
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