J. Warren Kerrigan
145 years old
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appearing in
Mary of the Movies
Night Life in Hollywood
The Covered Wagon
The Mother of the Ranch
The Girl of the Golden West
The Oyster Dredger
The Green Flame
The House of Whispers
Prisoners of the Pines
Rory o' the Bogs
The Restless Spirit
The Man from Brodney's
The End of the Game
Who's Who
Captain Blood
Back to Life
The Ranchman's Vengeance
The Distant Relative
Cupid Through Padlocks
The Poisoned Flume
Three Million Dollars
Man's Calling
A Life for a Kiss
A Son of the Immortals
The Silent Battle
The Gay Lord Waring
The Measure of a Man
The Pool of Flame
The Lord Loves the Irish
The Dream Cheater
The Best Man
The Social Buccaneer
The Beckoning Trail
Thundering Dawn
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