Lee Ye-seong
105 years old
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appearing in
The Testimony
A Woman Pursued
The Korean Instrument with 12 Strings
A Second Mother
One-eyed Park
Imbecile 3
A Red-and-blue Gauze Lantern
Whirl of Betrayals on Myeongdong
A Sword Under the Moon
The Fierce One
Lee Jung-Seob, a Painter
Why Did I Do That?
Do You Know Kotsuni?
When Acacias Bloom
Femme Fatale, Jang Hee Bin
The Two Revengeful Hunchbacks
Three Generations of Men
Great King Sejo
For My Husband
The Heartbreaking Story
Hong Gil-dong
Liberal Wife '81
Three Women Under the Umbrella
Chang-Su's Heydays
Don't Torture Me Anymore
Seize the Precious Sword
Woman with Long Eyelashes
Mrs. Kangbyun
The Liberal Wife 2
Past Loves
Lady in Dream
Hitman in the Hand of Buddha
A Precious Sword, A Knife of Thunder
Blood and Rose
The Great Monk Seo San
Battlefield and a Female Teacher
The Wings of Lee Sang
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