Anthony Grasso
59 years old
Anthony Robert Grasso is a seasoned actor/director and master teacher who has dedicated over thirty years to working and teaching in an industry that holds his heart. An artist from an early start, Grasso is a true chameleon with a vast range and is always seeking diverse and challenging material to add to his extensive list of moving and gritty roles. An indie award winning film actor (Sundance, Hoboken International Film Festival, Genre Film Festival in Japan, Atlanta Great Southern Short Festival, and LIIFE ), he has also enjoyed a vibrant career in television, appearing in notable recurring roles on Marvel's Jessica Jones and Gotham as well as a co-starring on Blue Bloods,Person Of Interest, Law & Order, NYPD Blue, and Sex & The City, to name a few. Mr. Grasso has appeared in both National and Regional commercials, most notable Director M. Night Shamalayan's AMEX Campaign.