Nora Bush
149 years old
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appearing in
The Grapes of Wrath
The Oklahoma Kid
The Fastest Gun Alive
Drum Beat
Rancho Notorious
High Noon
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Whispering Smith
The War of the Worlds
Tell Your Children
The Tin Star
The Garment Jungle
In Old California
Duel in the Sun
Wagon Master
Summer Stock
Edge of Darkness
Lust for Gold
Dark Command
The Man from Colorado
The Southerner
3 Godfathers
Yankee Fakir
Uncertain Glory
East of Eden
Thunder River Feud
A Man Alone
The New Frontier
The Cowboy from Sundown
The Big Trail
Navajo Kid
Home from the Hill
Queen of the Yukon
Valley Of Vengeance
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