Sayed Sadek
79 years old
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appearing in
Bushra Sarrah
Best Laid Plans!
The Tiger and The Female
The Danish Experience
The Strongest Men
Heart of the Night
Saad the Orphan
House of the Poisoned Family
The Hunger
El Meaalema Samah
Fawazia The Bourgeoisie
Dilapidated Woman
The Emperor
A Woman in Jail
Here's Cairo
The servant
The Devil Sings
The Speed Doesn't Exceed Zero
The Lorry
Danger Bells
Hadi Badi
We share your joy
The Glimpse
Hawk's Eyes
The Egg and the Stone
Can’t Complain
The Evil Man
Very Confidential
Don't Lose Your Mind
Laih Ya Dunya
The Mud
Verdict at hearing's end
El Soghayara
Juha Governs the City
Ali Baba's Trial
مسرحية طب ليه
Naji Attallah's Squad
Tales of a Modern-Day Husband
The Yacoubian Building
Professor and Head of Department
The Oracle
Raised in His Wealth
Goha El Masry
My Soul Malak
شارع المواردي
السيرة الهلالية
Saken Osady
City Gates
I Won't Live in My Father's Robes
I will not walk the path of the past
غداً تدق الأجراس
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