Ibrahim Qadry
94 years old
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appearing in
Mean yekdar al-aziza
The Second Wife
Bloody Destinies
A World of Children
We Are the Bus People
Wife of five men
The Victims
The Quiet Nest
The Sinners
The Postman
The Bus Driver
The Demons Husbands
Dalal Al-Masria
Al-khobz Al-mor
The Intruder
The Liar
First Love
The Unknown Man
Driven from Paradise
The Fox and Grapes
The Bathhouse of Malatily
Some Visit the Marriage Registrar Twice
Youth, love and fun
El Fool Sadeeqi
Dad Has Lost His Mind
Love For Everyone
People Of The Top
Antar Holding His Sword
A Bachelor’s Life
El-Halal Yksab
Moursi Fok Moursi Taht
Lak Youm Ya Beh
The cat is originally a lion
Take Care of Your Neighbors
No Time for Love
Serr el ghaeb
The City's Lost Souls
Lips that don't know lies
The Water-Carrier Is Dead
A Boy Child, Amen
The Troublemaker
Bit of Fear
The Street Player
My Love... Always
Oushaq El Hayah
Aqwa Min Al-Ayam
Our Gang Doesn't Have Any Other Branches
Khamsa Bab
Stranger In My House
A Very Special Invitation
Hello Doctor
Gone with No Return
Wdaa'n llazab
W'lakena Shay'an ma Yabqa
Don't cry, my love of life
Black Tiger
Confused Souls
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