Roger Tréville
122 years old
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appearing in
The Gambler
Paris Holiday
Her Bridal Night
Les maris de ma femme
Intermediate Landing in Paris
The Pavements of Paris
La caserne en folie
Pontius Pilate
How to Steal a Million
Venetian Nights
The Green Glove
Rue de Paris
Beauty Spot
The Happy Road
Mr. Peek-a-Boo
The Rotters
Bach millionnaire
Midnight, Place Pigalle
My Kid of a Father
Le Voyage imprévu
The Little Lady of the Sleeping Car
Maxim's Porter
Abduct Me
Mirages of Paris
I Love You... But Why?
His Highness Love
Speak to Me of Love
Durand versus Durand
Le Champion de ces dames
Jacques et Jacotte
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