Yen Shi-Kwan
78 years old
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appearing in
The Duel
The Spiritual Boxer
The Delightful Forest
The Anonymous Heroes
Duel of Fists
The Chinese Boxer
Blood Brothers
The Web of Death
The One-Armed Swordsman
The Assassin
The Delinquent
Have Sword, Will Travel
The Flying Dagger
Golden Swallow
Return of the One-Armed Swordsman
Man from Interpol
The Oily Maniac
The Invincible Fist
My Son
Trilogy of Swordsmanship
Four Riders
Not Scared to Die
The Young Rebel
The Sword of Swords
The Stranger and the Gunfighter
The Boxer from Shantung
The New One-Armed Swordsman
The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires
Five Fingers of Death
The Singing Thief
The Super Inframan
The Escaped Convict
The Angry Guest
Royal Tramp 2
The Iron-Fisted Monk
Truant Heroes
The Legend of the Swordsman
Swordsman III: The East Is Red
Dragon Inn
A Hero Never Dies
The Heroic Trio
Gold Fingers
Breakout from Oppression
Once Upon a Time in China II
Once Upon a Time in China
Taoism Drunkard
The Clutch of Power
Dance of the Drunk Mantis
The Big Family
Iron Monkey
The Story of the Drunken Master
Sword Knight-Errant
Blood Child
Kid from Kwangtung
The 13 Cold-Blooded Eagles
The Master Strikes
Fearless Hyena 2
The 36 Crazy Fists
Fearless Hyena
Shadow Ninja
The Young Taoism Fighter
Dragon Fist
The Invincible Constable
The Kung Fu Monks
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