André Gabriello
128 years old
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appearing in
Boom on Paris
My Wife Is Formidable
Le 84 prend des vacances
The Devil and the Ten Commandments
The Lafarge Case
Musique en tête
The Drunkard
Springtime in Paris
The Murderer Lives at Number 21
Love Descends from the Sky
In Six Easy Lessons
Du sang sous le chapiteau
Twisted Mistress
Tower of Lust
La Fille du torrent
The 1002nd Night
It Happened on the 36 Candles
The Lower Depths
My Heart Is Calling You
Your Money or Your Life
The Murdered Model
Millionaires for One Day
The Fighting Drummer
The Revenge of Roger
Le Tombeur !!!
The Girls of La Rochelle
Roger the Disgrace
Love Marriage
The Woman in Red
There's No Tomorrow
Carnival of Sinners
A Night in the Balearics
Les enquiquineurs
Un jour avec vous
Cecile Is Dead
Majestic Hotel Cellars
Mirages of Paris
À rebrousse-poil
Trust Me!
A Day in the Country
Grand gala
The Country I Come From
Lawless Street
Pas de grisbi pour Ricardo
Minute papillon
Scandal on the Champs-Élysées
The King of Dodgers
Two Loves
Trois marins en bordée
Vingt-cinq ans de bonheur
Night Round
Les gaités de l’escadrille
Métier de fous
En bordée
Un tournage à la campagne
Césarin joue les 'étroits' mousquetaires
Forbidden to Love
The Patron
Woman Are Angels
Sweet Madness
The Wolf Farm
Cherished by her concierge
Without Trumpet or Drum
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