Duilio Marzio
101 years old
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Duilio Marzio (November 27, 1923 - July 25, 2013) was a well-known Argentine cinema and theatre actor.
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appearing in
Saturday Night, Cinema
The Plague
¿De quién es el portaligas?
Poor Butterfly
Extraña ternura
The Hands
Warriors and Prisoners
La Tierra del Fuego se apaga
Primero yo
El curandero
Days of Hate
Love Never Dies
Un guapo del 900
The Revenge of Ivanhoe
Three Birds
Huis Clos (A puerta cerrada)
Jennifer's Shadow
Two to Tango
In Burning Darkness
Yesterday Was Spring
Turismo de carretera
Edad difícil
The Boss
Paula Cautiva
The Inquisitor
La caída
The Candidate
La Tigra
La Raulito
Marta Ferrari
Surcos en el mar
Operación "G"
Operación Antartida
Plaza Huincul (Pozo uno)
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