Ferenc Zenthe
104 years old
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appearing in
The Sea has Risen
Sleepless Years
The Black City
A Certain Major Benedek
Hungarian Vagabond
Captain of the Forest
Run to be Caught
The Pagan Madonna
The Murderer is in the House
Mayday Mayhem
A Lad on White Horse
Good Evening, Love
Death in Shallow Water
What a Night!
A fantasztikus nagynéni
A világ közepe
I'll Appeal to the Minister
The Naked Diplomat
Tale on the 12 Points
The Treasure of Swamp Castle
Beszterce ostroma
Európa messze van
The Enchanted Dollar
Rákóczi's Lieutenant
Zsaruvér és Csigavér I.: A királyné nyakéke
Zsaruvér és Csigavér II.: Több tonna kámfor
The Land of Angels
Sword and Dice
Love on Thursday
Our Kid
2x2 Are Sometimes 5
Last Desk
A Tenkes kapitánya
A Simple Love
A Quiet Home
The Revolt of Job
A Remarkable Case
Leila and Gábor
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