Percy Kilbride
136 years old
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appearing in
Soak the Rich
Riding High
State Fair
Guest in the House
Welcome Stranger
Fallen Angel
Keeper of the Flame
Knickerbocker Holiday
She Wouldn't Say Yes
You Gotta Stay Happy
Crazy House
Ellis in Freedomland
The Well Groomed Bride
You Were Meant for Me
The Woman of the Town
The Egg and I
The Southerner
Mr. Soft Touch
The Sun Comes Up
White Woman
George Washington Slept Here
Black Bart
She's a Soldier Too
Feudin', Fussin' and A-Fightin'
Free For All
Ma and Pa Kettle at the Fair
Ma and Pa Kettle
Ma and Pa Kettle at Waikiki
Ma and Pa Kettle on Vacation
Ma and Pa Kettle Go to Town
Ma and Pa Kettle Back on the Farm
Ma and Pa Kettle at Home
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