Lost Nation
An epic tale of Vermont's fight for self-determination, led by Ethan Allen; and Lucy Prince, the first black female poet, and her quest for justice and peace.
Gordon Clapp
Delegate John Calhoon
John Rothman
Governor George Clinton
Kevin Ryan
Ethan Allen
Rob Campbell
John Noyes
Joe Perrino
Seth Warner
T. Ryder Smith
Crean Brush
Del Zamora
Peter Squando
Barry Del Sherman
Justus Sherwood
Cameron Scoggins
Gideon Brownson
Kevin Jackson
Eva Ndachi
Lucy Terry Prince
Ava Ticotin
Molly Brant
Jeff Adler
Sam Sandwich
Ryan Bourque
Ira Allen
Matt Orduna
Abijah Prince
Ken Wulf Clark
Thomas Chittenden
Rusty DeWees
Asa Locke
Jared Zirilli
George Washington
Griffin Stanton-Ameisen
Alexander Hamilton
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