Joan Rivers and Friends Salute Heidi Abromowitz
Fictional character, Heidi Abromowitz, is the butt of everyone's jokes.
Joan Rivers
Joan Rivers
Bobby Berosini
Bobby Berosini
Joyce Brothers
Dr. Joyce Brothers
Bert Convy
Bert Convy
Robin Leach
Robin Leach
Tony Randall
Tony Randall
Charles Nelson Reilly
Charles Nelson Reilly
Don Novello
Father Guido Sarducci
Garry Shandling
Garry Shandling
Elizabeth Ashley
Elizabeth Ashley
Erma Bombeck
Erma Bombeck
David Brenner
David Brenner
Diahann Carroll
Diahann Carroll
Nell Carter
Nell Carter
Selma Diamond
Selma Diamond
Sandy Duncan
Sandy Duncan
Cassandra Peterson
Morgan Fairchild
Morgan Fairchild
Lauren Hutton
Lauren Hutton
Alan King
Alan King
Ed Koch
Mayor Edward Koch
Kris Kristofferson
Kris Kristofferson
Michele Lee
Michele Lee
Ali MacGraw
Ali McGraw
Howie Mandel
Howie Mandel
Willie Nelson
Willie Nelson
Anthony Perkins
Anthony Perkins
Vincent Price
Vincent Price
Lynn Redgrave
Lynn Redgrave
Little Richard
Little Richard
Brooke Shields
Brooke Shields
Suzanne Somers
Suzanne Somers
Joan Van Ark
Joan Van Ark
Joseph Wapner
Judge Joseph Wapner
Ruth Westheimer
Dr. Ruth Westheimer
Betty White
Betty White
George Furth
George Furth
Anthony Holland
Anthony Holland
Shuko Akune
Shuko Akune
Vivian Bonnell
Vivian Bonnell
Richard Coca
Richard Coca
Linda Dunsheath
Lisa Dunsheath
Sid Gould
Sid Gould
Sandy Hackett
Sandy Hackett
John Harlan
John Harlan
Ben Kronen
Ben Kronen
Kay E. Kuter
Kay E. Kuter
Gela Nash
Gela Jacobson
Howard Morris
Howie Morris
Yana Nirvana
Yana Nirvana
Deanna Olivier
Deanne Oliver
Mae Questel
Mae Questel
Jennifer Richards
Jennifer Richards
Kenny Sacha
Ken Sacha
Eve Smith
Eve Smith
Ray Stewart
Ray Stewart
Vernon Washington
Vernon Washington
Kristy Swanson
Teenage Heidi Abromowitz (uncredited)
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