In its minimal and non-traditional plot, Shitcago follows a seemingly mundane day in the life of a young loner living in Chicago as he wanders around the city and encounters many idiosyncratic characters.
Jeremiah Aviles
The Loner
Gregory Garibay
Graffiti Tagger
Ariana Romero
Obnoxious Girl on the Phone
Isaias F. Torres-Alonzo
Tree Rights Activist
Jose Nietes
Spanish Speaking Tourist
Noah Alonzo
Hipster Photographer
David Garcia
Library Pervert
Christian Herrera
Street Guitarist
Michael O'Hara Whalen
Loudmouth Law Student
Ramona Vega
Coffee Shop Girl
Ben Medina
Pretentious Art Critic
Jenell Valtierra
Selfie Girl
Veronica Ayala
Lost Drunk Girl
Mario Anthony
Wannabe Rapper
William Mendez
Post-It Notes Guy
Alicia Zavala
Sleep Deprived Mom
Robert Haynes
Persuasive Drug Dealer
Kurt Tarpley
Hot Dog Stand Jerk
Nick Alonzo
Eccentric Nic-Fit
Kaharie Charles
Homophobic Drunk Man
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